Stephen Heaps

iOS Developer



Perfectionist. Passionate about Apple, Leafs and hockey in general.

Bachelor of Science (Honours)
Computer Science
Minor in Labour Studies


Musik - Local Music Library for iOS

Musik is a local music library app for iOS with easy-to-use, always-available controls. Music app designed for those who still download their music library to their devices, while providing easy navigation throughout your library.

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iTasks was a beautiful task manager app developed and released when I was 16 years old. iTasks was my second app on the App Store.
iPhoneOS 2-3, iOS 4
(no longer available).

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InnovatorX was a final project I worked on for COSC 4F00 at Brock University. We worked in a group of 6 4th-year computer science students, with 3 on the front-end and 3 on the back-end. I worked mainly on the PHP scripting (back-end). Although the project folded after the school year, it was a great learning experience working with teams & businesses on a real product with a firm deadline (end of term).

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